FSAD - Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Causes & Cures
by Sacha Tarkovsky
The American Medical Association has estimated that millions of US women suffer from what US doctors refer to as 'female sexual arousal disorder' or 'FSAD'.
While there is a huge amount of media dedicated to male libido female libido while a big problem is not so openly discussed.
So what causes FSAD and what can be done to help women with the problem. Let�s look at the subject in more detail
It's important to stress fist of all that many women with FSAD have no problems with having orgasms.
The problem lies in their lack of libido and sex drive; they are simply not turned on by the prospect of having sex in the first place
For most women, lack of libido is only a temporary phenomenon.
Some will get over it by themselves and others can be helped by medical or psychosexual advice.
What are the causes of lack of libido in women?
As is the case with men, lack of desire in women can either physical or psychological.
Physical causes include
1. Anemia - which is very common in women, due to lack of iron loss during their periods (and of course in childbirth).
�2. alcoholism.
�3. drug abuse.
�4. Generalized disorders, such as diabetes.
5. Post-baby coolness (PBC): this is the term for loss of libido that occurs after childbirth.
It is almost linked to changes in hormones that occur at this time, though as yet, no clear-cut changes in hormones have been identified by medical research.
The general trauma of childbirth plays a part - and after having a baby, many women are too exhausted to think about sex.
6. Prescribed drugs, particularly tranquillizers are a common cause for many women.
7. Hyperprolactinaemia - A rare disorder in which the pituitary gland is simply overactive.
We haven't mentioned the menopause as a physical cause of loss of desire.
However contrary to myth it doesn't usually cause loss of libido at all.
Many women tend to feel sexier unlike men (and have more orgasms) in the postmenopausal part of their life.
Psychological causes
these causes are all common, when a woman are having a bad time emotionally they Lose interest in sex and FSAD occurs.
Psychological causes include:
�1. Depression
2. Stress and overwork
3. Anxiety
4. Problems from childhood
5. Sexual abuse
6. Lesbianism
7. Relationship issues
Women should consult their doctor for professional advice to isolate the problem causing FSAD
The big drug companies are searching for a drug that will turn women on but for now their is no drug on the market but there are a number of proven natural cures that can help, which we have covered in another article in this series.
Libido can be restored, although it takes more than a Viagra-like pill.
With men, HSD is usually related to an erection problem.
A woman's lack of sexual desire and libido i.e FSAD is often more complex, and many more factors are at work.
Use expert help to find out what is causing your loss of libido, then you can take the action.
There is no single cause for FSAD and there fore there is no single solution that works for all women.
For some women lack of libido is due to medical conditions, for some it�s psychological.
For most women stress and exhaustion can be a big factor and there are many herbal remedies on the market that will decrease stress increase libido and will help a women re discover her sex drive and libido.
Is available on FACD at avialable at our website. Please go tot the health section and read a variety of articles on getting more from your sex life and maintiaing optimum sexual and general health at www.net-planet.org
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sacha_Tarkovsky
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